Games on HD 7870


Jun 26, 2014
Well, I bought HD 7870 for my little brother, I check battlefield 4 and I got fps of 25-40 on ULTRA at 1280x1024. Maybe it's too low fps rate for this resolution. I wanted to ask if RAM and processor causing it to drop fps rate.

4 GB Ram
Core 2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz
64-bit OS
All of the above could be having an effect. BF4 is a very demanding game with the CPU and GPU and even System Memory so you may see bottlenecks even switch at different times between this.

*Don't play on ULTRA with that PC. It's much better to drop the quality settings and get your frame rate higher. I do think the frame rate sounds normal for your specs though.
All of the above could be having an effect. BF4 is a very demanding game with the CPU and GPU and even System Memory so you may see bottlenecks even switch at different times between this.

*Don't play on ULTRA with that PC. It's much better to drop the quality settings and get your frame rate higher. I do think the frame rate sounds normal for your specs though.
I have tried the ULTRA at 1280x1024 on my PC.

AMD Phenom II 955 @ 3.2 Ghz
Radeon HD7870
Windows 8.1 64 bit

And the frame rate was 40-70. I used the latest stable video driver Catalyst 14.4.
Maybe it is a software problem. Did you reinstall the video drivers properly? Or maybe the CPU bottlenecks a little.

a) You have a better CPU than he has. BF4 is prone to have CPU bottlenecks. Your CPU gets a Passmark of 4014, and his is 2829.

Thus your CPU is about 41% better at default CPU settings.

b) The frame rate will vary depending on the map as well.

I repeat my opinion that his performance is likely correct for his system and my recommendation to tweak accordingly.