games on my pc are running at low fps at 1080p with a gtx 1080ti and i7 8700k

Sep 8, 2018
I have 16 gigs of ram, sufficient power(750 watts), and have triple checked my power connections. I have tested Fortnite and CS:GO, both of which run very poorly with low fps. This low performance all started after I upgraded my i7 6700k and gtx 1080 to what it is now(title). I have reinstalled and upgraded drivers. While running CS:GO, I checked performance under task manager and everything looked normal except for my GPU. It only had the 3D section running at around 15 percent, the video encode, copy, and video decode were all at 0%. I also have noticed that when I open up NVIDIA control panel, it gets really laggy to the point where it is extremely difficult to do anything. In fact, my PC in generally has been a little slow, not so much that it makes web browsing and such difficult, but enough that it is definitely noticeable. Any help would be much appreciated.


If you're swapping out a lot of parts, with different architectures, it can cause issues.

Start by reinstalling all your drivers, this could fix the issue.

But if this was me, I would go with a fresh Windows install, it's the easiest solution.

How many fps are there while playing cs go?

Around 10-30 for both CS:GO and Fortnite.

Wow. That is not good. I reckon, you need to look at the apps working minimized on the background, maybe either of those kills your GPU? What apps are there?

Google chrome is the one that is taking up a lot of memory, which i do not think is the issue because when I played games with my old specs I had chrome open and it was fine. No applications are really utilizing the gpu that much, even when I am ingame, in task manager it says that gpu is using up only like 13 % of 3D...


Ok, so you dumped the old mobo with the 6700k and replaced the entire mobo and cpu with CoffeeLake. Did you also reinstall windows or just run it as is? Apart from getting mobo driver conflicts, if you didn't redo windows and install all the new mobo drivers (not gpu drivers) you'll end up with the mobo trying to use old mobo drivers, failing, and then trying to run by windows generic mobo drivers, a real cluster.
If you're swapping out a lot of parts, with different architectures, it can cause issues.

Start by reinstalling all your drivers, this could fix the issue.

But if this was me, I would go with a fresh Windows install, it's the easiest solution.

If I do a fresh windows install, could I retain all of my data on my hard drives? If so, how?

Yes, you can.

There's a built-in feature within windows 10 that allows you to 'reinstall' your PC, but also keep your files.

(Search for 'reset this pc' and you will find it)

You could try this first and if it doesn't work, you'll need to back-up important files and reinstall it the normal way.

I would however, highly suggest that you back-up your most important files anyway, in case anything goes wrong, the chance is small and it should just keep everything, but just to be sure.
