Games on PC

May 10, 2018
What games can i run on my PC?

processor: intel i5 2400 3.1ghz
graphic card: ati radeon hd 4600 series(idk which)
windows 10 64 bit

If you need external info please tell me a way to know it and i will tell you.\

What gpu you suggest?

My monitor is old and i am going to change it soon enough. Also i want to run most of today's game at even low-medium graphics, i am kind of a cheapo so willing to survive with potato graphics.
Suggest me a monitor too if you can

Actual budget?

And what PSU do you have now?

If you want to play current AAA games the absolute minimum realistic GPU for reasonable frame rates and playability would be a GTX 1050Ti.

But a GTX 1060 would be much better and would give you a more enjoyable player experience.

There are 2 versions, the 3GB and 6GB, the 6GB is a lot better than the 3GB version, it's not just the memory that is the difference between to two.

Bottom line is if you cheap out on the GPU now you will regret it later.

The new games are no joke.

Cannot tell budget as i haven't decided that yet myself and have to get it. Also tell me how to know what psu i have and if there isn't any other method but to pull the damn thing open, i think its 550w because i told my father to put 550w in it, not sure because i also told myfather to put gtx 780 in it

Only way to know is to open the case and look.