Question Games rendering with crawling jagged lines


Jan 28, 2014
In every game I play, a lot of objects render straight lines as jagged steps. Combined with the camera moving about, this creates an effect that the textures are moving about or crawling. I only have one screenshot on this computer right now that shows this effect, particularly on the columns and buildings in the background:
This is the only example I have right now, but a very similar effect happens in every game I play.
I have an R7 370 2GB, and am using a 1680x1050 monitor. Does anyone know what could be the cause of this?
Looks like aliasing. Enable antialiasing (txaa, fxaa, smaa etc) in-game or play around with antialiasing in Radeon software to override the game.

I dont see much aliasing happening on other edges though so it could be the game or game not agreeing with the video driver you're on for your card. Mess around with different antialiasing methods anyhow and see how you go.