About 6 months ago, I bought Batman Archam city, (PC, disc version) and while I was able to install the game, was never able to play it. I spent 3 week trying to get it to run, but to no avail (tried reinstall, update drivers etc, etc, etc). The game would load for a few seconds, disc would whir, and then nothing, no error messages, no nothing. Today I bought a new game, fallout 3 GOTY edition, which similarly was another GFWL title. Game installed fine, but again would not load, with exactly the same symptoms as Batman. Now, lastly, just on an whim I grabbed the no cd crack for fallout 3, and the game now loads. Because I want up to date patches etc, I would really like to play both games normally, as I did purchase them. Does anyone have an idea why the games do not seem to be talking to GFWL and not running? I am on win 7. Thanks