Gaming accuracy query


Nov 3, 2016
Hi guys,
just wanted to ask whether something like 8g of added mouse acceleration within the mouse itself can cause noticeable changes in accuracy. How much is low enough to not notice any difference in mouse aim, where would a mouse with 30g of mouse acceleration fit in? Can it be changed?
"software accelerator " calculate 1mm = 100m movement =movement in game... its a way to speed the way you character moves about...
never found them to be accurate or useful. I rather have 4800DPI and adapt.
Are you referring to accelerating the mouse with your hand fast enough that the mouse experiences a G-force of 8? This would require you to accelerate the mouse at over 78 m/s^2. You would have to move so fast that in one second your mouse would be across the street. Basically, it's impossible.

HI, I was not referring to hand acceleration but the added/in-built acceleration of the mouse's software or hardware. It is listed in the product's page-, so as you can see it mentions 8G of acceleration.

Thank you for your response and sorry for the late reply, so 1mm = 1G of acceleration. Is that how it works? Yea I have heard that it throws the mouse accuracy off point.