Dear forum,
I'll try to be succinct. After my laptop completely failing on me, I'm looking for a gaming desktop able to handle games like The Witcher 2 etc. Unfortunately I need everything apart from the mouse and speakers. I'd like to try building myself however I have no experience and so maybe a prebuilt would be a better choice. The important part is how soon I can have my system, that the site used delivers to europe (I'm an erasmus student in France) and that the system has the possibility to be upgaded in the future once I get greater funds.
I'm not sure hopw this works, if people offer advice just because theyre good people, but if I can offer anything in return feel free to ask!
my thanks
Approximate Purchase Date: Asap(almost immediate)
Budget Range: £650 (1000$) But can go over if something much better is close to the price.
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, Music, Word Processing etc, Films
Parts Not Required: Mouse,Speakers. I also need to say that I'd prefer a uk power cord and I'll just use an adaptor for this year.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: No prefence apart from I need european delivery, so maybe something along the lines of
Country of Origin: UK
Parts Preferences: No Preference
Overclocking: Not needed
SLI or Crossfire: No
I'll try to be succinct. After my laptop completely failing on me, I'm looking for a gaming desktop able to handle games like The Witcher 2 etc. Unfortunately I need everything apart from the mouse and speakers. I'd like to try building myself however I have no experience and so maybe a prebuilt would be a better choice. The important part is how soon I can have my system, that the site used delivers to europe (I'm an erasmus student in France) and that the system has the possibility to be upgaded in the future once I get greater funds.
I'm not sure hopw this works, if people offer advice just because theyre good people, but if I can offer anything in return feel free to ask!
my thanks
Approximate Purchase Date: Asap(almost immediate)
Budget Range: £650 (1000$) But can go over if something much better is close to the price.
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, Music, Word Processing etc, Films
Parts Not Required: Mouse,Speakers. I also need to say that I'd prefer a uk power cord and I'll just use an adaptor for this year.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: No prefence apart from I need european delivery, so maybe something along the lines of
Country of Origin: UK
Parts Preferences: No Preference
Overclocking: Not needed
SLI or Crossfire: No