better off to use you videocard to stream off depending what brand software being used. I been using AMD new Adrenaline software & Re Live is the best recording software to date i have used has minimum impact load wise smooth to record & stream with. I load up my play throughs straight off my mp4 files without need to edit. AMD has stepped up considering a lot of complaints about the Adrenaline drivers being buggy. If they were i wouldn't be playing those effected titles no issues. I even been reording as many dx9 titles in my library for the giggles to see what impact load it put on my hardware but prety impressive so far. When i play a game & record i dont play for a bit then move on i play for a few hrs & have a good play through then record where if its going to lag or hit preformance but no issues. Comes down to alot how you build you system & intended purpose where mines used for everything.