Gaming Build - GPU decision


Sep 17, 2015
So i've completed my first gaming build but i can't decide on the GPU and that's why i need your help.

My current monitor is a 1080p 60hz but i'm planning on upgrading in the future.
I can't decide on the GPU because i live in Greece and the prices here vary.
Should i choose a rx480 / gtx 1060 since both are based on new architecture or should i get a r9 390 / 390x ? All of these gpus are priced from 300 to 380 euro here .

If i choose one of the rx 480 / gtx 1060 should i get the one with the lower price or not ?
Should i get a 1060 since they say it's better than a 980?
Should i get a rx 480 since they say it's Value for money on 1080p/1440p?

my build:

(It's a gaming build as i said so i am planning on playing all the latest game titles)

The 1060 is 5-10% more powerful, so if you can get it for the same price as the cheapest RX480 8GB its a great deal.
:) Just make sure with the 1060 that you get a version with a decent cooler, and that you're not getting the itx (small form factor) version, as they come lower clocked.
More specifically which 480/1060 do you want ?
The MSI Gaming X 1060 is just not worth it for the price(Well at least in my country,add around $60 and you can get the Palit 1070 JS..)
IMO you should get the cheapest 1060 (it runs cooler and more efficient than the 480)
but if you want to crossfire in the future go with the 480.
Really nice build :) I'm in the same position wondering whether I should get an RX 480, GTX 1060 or just say eff it and get a GTX 1070 and even though I do not like the RX 480, I think it's a bit of a failure, I'm probably gonna get one because I have a Freesync monitor, if I didn't though, I wouldn't hesitate to get the GTX 1060, it's just better in serial API's and performance is still more than acceptable or even on par in DirectX 12 and Vulkan.
The rx-480 is a nice card at the price point.
Your build looks nice and fast.
The R9-390x is faster than the RX-480 but not much so you will need to fig out if you want freesync or gsync LCD when you get to that point gsync cost more Bothe work well
Most games aren't fully optimised for 1060/480 yet so I wouldn't give to much about comparisons to the last gen cards that are fully optimised for this games.

The 1060 runs a bit faster especially using dx11 and is more efficient
On the other hand the RX480 got 33% more VRAM than the 1060. If you like VRAM intensive games the Rx480 could be a bit more durable for the future (especially if crossfiring it up) and somewhat cheaper (keep in mind 35€ difference for a 350€ card is 10% price difference for a ~6% gain that the 1060 currently has on the Rx480)
Since you live in Greece and I suppose the retail situation is similar to central Europe:
See what there is in stock. Waiting 8 weeks for your GPU is hardly worth it. Compare prices and designs (don't buy a reference 480/ founders edition 1060)

Also if you don't plan on hardcore over-clocking you can save a few bucks on the PSU.
750W is slightly overkill.
A Seasonic/XFX 650W PSU is barely 80€
Here is my build for you.
I've managed to keep it under the original budget estimate to allow for import costs etc.
If any of these parts are overpriced, or you think there are better options for the price from local retailers, feel free to let me know.
Also squeezed in a 1070 and downgraded the PSU wattage, although the quality is higher.
750w is way overkill for RX480s in crossfire even, hence the 520w which will allow you to run a 1070.
PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($204.99 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: CRYORIG H7 49.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($35.00)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H170-GAMING 3 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($77.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($67.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($89.58 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($47.49 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1070 8GB G1 Gaming Video Card ($429.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: NZXT S340 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($59.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: SeaSonic S12II 520W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($58.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $1062.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-07-30 19:08 EDT-0400

At the time of writing the 2400MHz RAM was the same price as the 2133 kits in the Ripjaws V and Corsair Vengeance LPX series.
Chose the best value sticks, which are listed above. :)
Now however, there is a Ripjaws V kit in gray selling for $10 less if you're willing to sacrifice on color.

At the time of writing the 2400MHz RAM was the same price as the 2133 kits in the Ripjaws V and Corsair Vengeance LPX series.
Chose the best value sticks, which are listed above. :)
Now however, there is a Ripjaws V kit in gray selling for $10 less if you're willing to sacrifice on color.

I appreciate you taking the time to make a new build for me but i already have bought most of the items on the build.
A gtx 1070 in greece costs + - 500euro so i don't think it's worth it cause it will be way over my budget.
My biggest mistake i think it is the 750w PSU cause it's overkill now , but i was planning on buying a r9 390x so it was a good option at the time.
I have chosen these items for my build cause i think they will last more than 2-3years and i will only have to upgrade the gpu along with my monitor .


I've red the same thing on sites and forums but i don't know if the 480 is good enough for the current titles.
But if the price difference is huge between the custom 480s and 1060s i think i will choose the 480.
But i'm still struggling to make a decision

Oh, okay.
Seeing as you're buying from local retailers and have already bought most of the parts, list off what you've bought, give me your budget in Euros, and tell me what retailers you're buying from.
The 1060 isn't much more powerful than the RX480, so price difference isn't really worth it.
If you're playing at 1080p 60fps, the RX480 will be perfectly fine for you for now.
If you're playing at 1080p with a 144hz monitor, the 1070 is what you want.
I wouldn't worry about what is futureproof, just choose what is best value given your economic situation.

Parts i need to buy are CPU (i5 6600k) , SSD (240gb evo) , GPU .
i don't think now that i've bought a ranger mobo it's worth buying something less than the 6600k (might turn out as another mistake) . For ram i have already bought the same you listed.

Due to the capital controls etc here in greece we can't buy yet from ebay/amazon. or if we find a supplier to do so the Tax and Vat (import charges generally) are way too high so it doesn't worth importing a part .
Here in greece the only places i'm buying from are and

But to save you some time due to the research i've done until now i've come to the conclusion that the decision i have to make for now is 480 vs 1060 or a r9 390 or something.. and that is for the next 1-2-3 years until i buy a monitor too.
Btw my current monitor is a 1080p 60hz 5ms

rx 480 seems the right choice but today the 1060 became available here and most of them are around the same price as rx 480 so which one to choose now ? the prices vary both for the rx 480 and gtx 1060 from 310 euro to 400 euro.
at the same price is the GTX a better choice or not ?

The 1060 is 5-10% more powerful, so if you can get it for the same price as the cheapest RX480 8GB its a great deal.
:) Just make sure with the 1060 that you get a version with a decent cooler, and that you're not getting the itx (small form factor) version, as they come lower clocked.
I wont answer for the Graphic card, but I would optimize the Power supply of your build : Get a bit less power, (especially with the Graphic card range you are looking at) and go for a Plantinium + version, Quieter, less hot, less costly to run over time.
a platinum PSU isn't necessarily quieter (compare Seasonic Focus Plus Platinum 650W vs Corsair RM650x), the run cost difference is so low that you need 5-8 years to pay off the extra $ for the Platinum versions

furthermore this thread is 2 years old and resolved.
you're welcome to give your input on unresolved threads that are....more recent
