That was my post, but I didn't mean for it to be a PC vs. Console. I was trying to say that there should be a new OS for PCs that are made specifically for games, like that of a consoles OS.
Anyways, some of the things mentioned are not true. Consoles generally run at lower res, but HD TVs are capable of 1900 * 1080 and some games for Xbox support that, so it's not that they look good cause of lower res anymore. Also, some games are programmed better for console than for PC. For instance Splinter Cell has much better lighting and shadow effects on XBox on PC because the PC port was somewhat sloppy and doesn't take as much advantage of PC graphic cards as it does the Xbox (this is not true for the other consoles, PC does look better than PS2 and GC).
Overall, IMO PCs have the potential for better graphics, but games generally look better on XBox.