Gaming Desktop Building Help


Dec 5, 2013
So, I want to buy a new device for gaming and I chose a gaming desktop... Is a desktop better than a laptop in terms of performance and price? Another thing I want to ask... I am new to this thing of building a computer and I don't know how it works, do I have to build it or I just have to choose the components of it ? And the last thing, is building your PC reliable? Because how would the warranty work? Thanks for your help.
Price and performance are better (the best) if you buy it and build it yourself. A laptop for gaming is rather silly because of the heat issues, and the battery issues. Not to mention you'll need to drop a lot of cash in order to get similar performance of a desktop

You have to physically build the PC yourself; if you do not feel comfortable you could ask a friend that is or take it to perhaps a PC repair or Frys/Microcenter and they will build it for a fee.

Building your PC is about as reliable as your knowledge of every part in the PC is. Every compontent will have it's own manufacturer's warranty.