"Gaming" glasses vs generic ones?


Jan 4, 2018
Hi, a few months ago I watched a couple of videos on the Gunnar optiks "gaming" glasses simply cause I was curious, and didn't think they're of any relevance to me, 'cause eye strain has never really been a problem for me. Fast forward a few months and I discovered that my eyes are far more sensitive to stuff in general. They tear up easier, like when a breeze blows by or looking at phone(even if just for a minute or two) and I recently started getting aches and frowning without even noticing. Now this could very easily be fixed if I just stop sitting infront of a monitor for hours and show a bit more dissipline, and I intend to do so, but I still think it would be a good idea to get a pair of computer glasses to lesson the strain, and was wondering whether or not a pair of 40-50$ "gaming" glasses with those weird yellow lenses would do a better job than a pair of those 20$ glasses that you see in a pharmacy, with that coating that looks sorta blue-purply when you look at it from an angle?
I think you'd be better off going to an opticians and discussing the problem with a professional than assuming that is the cause and buying, what i believe to be, a gimmick product.