Need A gaming laptop ---INDIA
Budget : $1200-$1350 (60000rs-75000rs)
Processor : i7 (quad) or i5 (quad) [ consider i5 if budget exceeds]
Screen size : 17" (15 also considering)
Resolution : 1600*900 or higher not less than 1024*768
Battery life : 3 or more hrs
RAM : 4-8-12GB
Gameplay : i want to play games at high quality with AA (AA off is not a problem. )
Other uses : not looking for video editing and graphics
Buy from : direct shops like Asus ,HP , DELL and if possible from internet (india)
Country : INDIA
Optical drives : DVD writer
HDD capacity : 500GB+
Preferable brands : DELL, ASUS, HP.... anything good
GPU : GTX 660M (most preferred) GTX 560M or equivalent
VRAM SIZE : 1 or 2GB
pS: if there ia an alienware for the budget also tell
Budget : $1200-$1350 (60000rs-75000rs)
Processor : i7 (quad) or i5 (quad) [ consider i5 if budget exceeds]
Screen size : 17" (15 also considering)
Resolution : 1600*900 or higher not less than 1024*768
Battery life : 3 or more hrs
RAM : 4-8-12GB
Gameplay : i want to play games at high quality with AA (AA off is not a problem. )
Other uses : not looking for video editing and graphics
Buy from : direct shops like Asus ,HP , DELL and if possible from internet (india)
Country : INDIA
Optical drives : DVD writer
HDD capacity : 500GB+
Preferable brands : DELL, ASUS, HP.... anything good
GPU : GTX 660M (most preferred) GTX 560M or equivalent
VRAM SIZE : 1 or 2GB
pS: if there ia an alienware for the budget also tell