Question Gaming laptop issue ?

Apr 24, 2024
Hi y'all.

My laptop had gotten its screen cracked by my brother who i'd let use it to play world of warcraft until his got fixed.
He got mad and punched the screen.

I just bought a new screen for it and had my bf's cousin fix it.
He installed the screen and it worked fine, according to him.

I had him mail it back to me.
When i got it it turned on fine, no issues Until i went to play a game on it.
The game started up like it normally would and about 5 minutes into the game the laptop shut off completely.

Okay, it must have updated on its own. WRONG.
I went to turn it on again and all that happened was the keyboard on my laptop turned on (its an rgb backlit).

So i then took that screen out and ordered another thinking it was a faulty screen.
Note: I looked at the cable for the screen and it looked suspicious.

When i got that screen in i took it to my pc repair guy and he said without the original screen in it there's no
way to tell what is wrong with it. He couldnt even run any kind of diagnostics. he says.

What he did tell me was it would be a gamble, he said the cable looked to be frayed
and it probably wasnt an actual screen for the laptop.

This is a 2 year old laptop.
I didnt have the money right then to get it repaired so i said id come back when i did

In the meantime, I plugged my HDMI cord into my laptop and tried to play it on my tv.
Same issue, loaded up fine, until it came to playing a game, Mind you this is a gaming laptop and i can play anything
on ultra settings, it shut off after 5 mins. -_-

So i am not sure what to do here.
Is it a motherboard issue or something else ?, i am at my wits end
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