Gaming laptop recommendations?

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Apr 20, 2010
Hi folks,

I'm in the market for a gaming (mainly) laptop that's also comfortable doing mid-level graphics/spreadsheet work and desktop publishing, i.e. a good gaming laptop but with some flexibility. My budget is $1200-1800 or thereabouts and I need something within a week, so no holding for imminent releases.

Desired features:

  • 1900x1200 res
    17"+ screen
    full (numeric keypad) keyboard
    Intel i7 quad
    12GB RAM+
    VPU with ability to run the likes of BF4, F1-2013, FIFA 13/14, Rome Total War II, WoT, and similar
    SSD and Sata drives (ideally)
    Decent cooling that won't melt my hefty Irish thighs
    W7 over W8 if possible (seems unlikely)
    Lack of proprietary bloatware

Battery life not too critical as it'll rarely be unplugged.

I've only done a little research so far and I quite like the look of this MSI GT70 Dominator -

I'm curious if anyone else has good recommendations or thoughts?

Personally this is what I think is good enough for your budget. With that budget it's good to buy a good gaming laptop.

However, why are you going with gaming laptops? I know it's for portability, but laptops get outdated very quickly, especially with progressing technology.

I need a gaming laptop specifically for mobility. I'll be doing a lot of travel in the coming months and want something capable of running current/recent generation games in a decent way. I don't mind that it will be outdated within a few months or less. It will last me and meet my needs for a few years. I have a big expensive state of the art desktop at home for cutting edge gaming needs but obviously can't travel with it.

Thanks for the suggestions!

thanks - I'll look at their customizable packages and check the pricing. Not worried about weight. Not heard of Sagernotebook before. Anyone else with pros/cons?
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