Gaming laptop underperforms in games


Sep 1, 2017
My laptop ( Asus GL553VE: 1050Ti, I7 7700HQ and 8Gb DDR4)
has some problems lately where my game are running at a much lower framerate then normal.

For example CG:GO @1440x1080 ( yes this is wahet i play on) runs at 70 fps max.
Minecraft @1080p runs barely at 60 fps
And it goes on with every other game.

I have my video drivers up to date, and I checked if my games run on my GPU.

The temperatures are always (during games) swinging between 85°C and 90°C.

I really hope this can be fixed.
Thanks in advance.
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Both of those games are heavily dependent on cpu single core performance. This is a laptop where single core performance is significantly less than a desktop, this performance seems like it might be correct unless you have a reliable benchmark showing otherwise.