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Apr 1, 2005
voodoo/ alianware/ I buy power/falcon
Can some one help!
I am looking for cheap one with at least 2.3 Gh
I buy power called after 3 weeks that my order could not be done!
They no longer had that laptop! 3weeks I was waiting!
They charged my card in 2 seconed! :!:
voodoo is out of my paycheck!
alianware has bad service
Falcon is in the same line as voodoo
I am not a pc person I just use MAYA software,
and some red hat linux7 8O
I need a laptop to do homework in the school! in between classes!
Thank you so much for all the help


Feb 3, 2006
Go to Killer Notebooks configure the system you want, since you are not gaming, and don't need to utmost in cutting edge, you could downgrade the memory to CAS 2.5, and the hard drive to 5,400 rpm, if you can live with 54 Mbps wireless, I can pretty much GIVE that to you as no one that comes to my site wants it. Send me the configuration and I can email you back with any specials I may be having.

I also have a ZERO dead pixel policy.
When I ship a notebook it is 100%
What does that mean to you?
Well, if I ever receive a notebook with a dead pixel (as I did last week) I slash the price and offer it to people that previously told me they wouldn't mind getting a d/p. Now, this almost NEVER happens, so if you need it, it may not be an option for you, but to give you an idea this is the d/p system I just sold.

x1600 256 MB PCI Express Graphics WXGA
Turion MT-40 2.2 Ghz 64 bit CPU
1 Gig CAS 2.5 RAM
120 GB 5,400 rpm Hard Drive
802.11 g 54 Mbps internal Wireless


Feb 3, 2006
I wish everyone thought that way!

Let me tell you what I use in these systems. I started with components I felt were the best and through trial and error I think I have narrowed the components available down to the best. Let's take a look under the hood...

The hard drives I use:
Hitachi Travelstar 7,200 rpm drives
5 year warranty.
Very fast, reliable and because I had some problems with Seagate notebook drives - they are very loud and there is a noticable "clunking" sound when they hibernate.

The memory I use:
Patriot 2-2-2-5 timing overclocking RAM.
Lifetime warranty.
I use the fastest RAM there is (it is equivalent to the best desktop overclocking memory)...

The CPU I use:
I use the AMD Turion MT-40 2.2 GHz 64 bit processor.

The wireless card I use:
Atheros 802.11 G+ wireless. 108 Mbps with built in RangeMax extender. I buy these in bulk from the U.K. so my customers can have the best wireless possible. These cards have extraordinary range and throughput.

So how is the price so competitive?
I am a resellerI buy in bulkI try to anticipate market moves and not have parts on hand that are going to depreciate too quickly

As you can see the parts I use, in every case are as good, or better than the ones in systems costing far more. If HardwareBoss would ever shoot the padlock off his wallet and order a system from me he could testify to the supreme sweetness of these little ninja's. They are KILLERS one and all!


May 16, 2006
Killernotebooks has some good stuff there for some good prices. But if you wanna check out maybe another option, check out My brother has one of their laptops and it's killer, performs just about equal with my desktop lol. It's got a 4400+ X2 cpu, 2 gb's of ram, 2 80gig 7200rpm hd's in raid0, and a Go 7800GTX gpu(they got 7900GTX's now). It's a crazy laptop. Of course the battery life isn't much, but that's not to be expected with a desktop replacement anyway.


Feb 3, 2006
Hey Spikke, I saw your desktop specs and I have a similar system.
Thermaltake Shark Case
Asus A8N-SLi
X2 4400+
Ultra 600 watt ps
4 Gigs OCZ Platinum
(2) 36 GB Raptors RAID 0
(1) 400 GB SATA HD
(2) 320 GB SATA HD's
6800 GS 256 MB
Saphire Theatre 550 tv tuner
Lightscribe DVD
Thermaletake Hardcano fan controller

My question is: I am assuming you started with 1 video card. When you upgraded to SLi what was your performance gain? I am thinking, "Do I spend $150 to get another 6800 GS and SLi it, or spend the money on a single 7900 GT (or equivalent) card, which of course is considerably more."


Nov 6, 2005
killer, do not upgrade your graphics yet. NVidia is releasing a DX10 GC sson to cover windows vista. IMHO, its a horrible time to upgrade.
also, can you use turion X2 cpus instead of single core stuff for special orders?


Feb 3, 2006
Well, I was knd of considering
1. Should I keep what I have (since honestly it is more system then I need) or get a new system altogether on AM2 architechture.
2. Should I upgrade the video card to a single 7900 GT(X)
3. Should I upgrade to 6800 GS SLi (which would be the cheapest)

Now that you told me about the DX10 GC, I agree. I will just wait.

Seems like the ATi 800/850 variants and the 6800 GT/Ultra cards had a really long product lfe cycle then they were just completely blown away by the 7800 series and now the 7800 is like garbage compared to the 7900 GTX which was a relatively short curve IMHO.


May 16, 2006
I think right now it would be best to wait on graphics upgrades till we get dx10 cards, if you can wait anyway.

Also, on the subject of SLI 6800's or 1 7900GT, I would definately recommend 1 7900GT, you would definately see a big difference in performance over even 2 6800's in SLI. SLI does not give you big performance in every game. With an upgrade to a 7900GT you would be guaranteed to see a difference going from a 6800, not so if you were to just add another 6800. 1 newer card always beats 2 older/lower budget cards in SLI in my experience.

Also, on the subject of getting a new system, I do not recommend going AM2 right now. The AM2 platform, for all intents and purposes, performs on par with a 939 system. I don't think it will be worth upgrading till they get higher clock spees from the cpu's, this will enable them to take more advantage of the higher clock speeds on the ddr2. If anything, I would check out Core 2 Duo from Intel, looks to be a really good cpu both in price and performance.

Overall, I would stick with your system, wait till Core 2 Duo and AM2 mature some and DX 10 cards should be out by then since Vista will be coming January of next year.


Apr 1, 2005
what is the prosser?That number I need to know Maya is picky!
I have a desktop from alianwere and the sofware works good, anything slower will not work for homeworks!!
Oh, you make the laptops?


Apr 1, 2005
Okay I saw it! I like it, I have to go to work and will look at it some more!
I used to work at UPS, I do not like the way boxes are moved around!
Oh, 2.2GHZ is very nice, how come is so cheap?


Apr 1, 2005
So, Do we get senior discounts?
I have to wait to get my money back from SyberPower!
I like this one even better, since is $100.00 lower:) and 5 days shipping and 2.0 ghz wowow, happy birthay to me
Thank you so much :lol:


Apr 1, 2005
I think so, why? what is X2s?
what do you think about killerNotebooks?
I like them? They want your business, and they know others out there!
And One weekall it takes, NOT 8 or more!


Feb 3, 2006
HardWare Boss is right. If you can wait a month for the X2's to be out and readilly available that is the way to go.

Turion X2 Dual Core is a dual core Turion in 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0 flavors.
Should be pretty tight. My 4400+ desktop is only dual 2.2's and you will be able to get dual 2.0's in a notebook?!!! Crazy! The notebook performance coming is ridiculous by last years standards. ND even posted that AMD will most likely have quad core notebooks by 2008!

I don't know if I need that, but I certainly want it! :p


Feb 3, 2006
9 out of 10 Shogun's prefer them...
So, YES, I am waiting to get one myself.
[Ninja enters]
My ninja's just informed me that 9 out of 9 Shogun's prefer Killer Notebooks!

We hope the X2 Dual Core Turions will be out (with machines to put them in) within a month.
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