Gaming Monitor - Which to buy?


Good monitor, but no G-Sync and 144Hz. Personally i will never buy another monitor wihtout Adaptive Sync technology.

Yup. But, if you haven't bought the 1080 uet, i totally recommend that you get a 1070 and a 144Hz monitor with G-Sync for the price difference. A good monitor is always teh best investment to make as it will last you several build, while teh GPU is actually thew worst as they get outdated teh fastest. And the 1070 does very well in 1440p. It's teh sweetspot card for it.

And yes, 144Hz AND G-Sync is worth givin up on IPS.

EDIT: Have a look at J_E_D_70's testimony in this thread:

thank you, but I already have the gtx 1080.

It's just so darn expensive tho.

It is. But totally worth it, that's what i'm saying. If you can do, do it and you'll thank yourself(and me 😛 ) later :)

Asus PB278q - how bout that one?

Good monitor, but no G-Sync and 144Hz. Personally i will never buy another monitor wihtout Adaptive Sync technology.