gaming mouse or normal mouse


Feb 12, 2015
Hi, I am building a gaming pc and I would like to know should i upgrade my mouse and keyboard to gaming keyboards and mouses(with dpi and polling rates).Currently I have a normal mouse and keyboard each costing around Rs. 200($3).Is it worth spending Rs.2000 on gaming mouses?

it depends on your needs and games you play.

As i myself love having "gaming" gear that i can change dpi with, making macros reassign keys etc.

But mostly with mouse to be able to change dpi is one of a must have things for fps games atleast.

But its all up too you really.

That is really low so i dont really know the gear i use for mouse are around 70usd = 4353 RS

so i dont really know the lower end ones i think the better ones start at about 30$ and up

ohk no problem