I'm looking for a new gaming mouse and I'm closely looking at three different ones at the moment, the Razer Ouroboros, the Razer Mamba and the ROCCAT Kone XTD. I have big hands so I would prefer a mouse that isn't too small and one that fits well. I'm not stuck on a wireless mouse but leaning toward it because I use a laptop in my living room a great deal and I would prefer a way to minimize the number of cords have hanging around. I haven't used any of Razer's recent mice, but I had two Razer Boomslangs and it was one of my favorites. I've seen good reviews of both of the Razer mice, but I've always read some criticism of the build quality as well as the battery life on both of them. The Razer Mamba design is a little more appealing but I've heard it has a shorter battery life and it has a lower dpi. Does anyone out there have experience with either the Ouroboros or the Mamba that would give some insight or recommendations. I'm less familiar with the ROCCAT brand but the Kone XTD is very appealing in its size and design. I would appreciate any thoughts or recommendations. Thanks.