I was merely shopping steam and decided to try a google/ebay search on the same games and stumbled upon some very well priced code only websites. After reading through some steam forums and other sites it seems that there are those who question buying "grey market" (urban term for not being legally clear black or white and thus grey in practice) codes (large volume discounted price resold at cheaper prices not illegal but frowned upon and against eula; I haven't researched these details myself - just what I've read so far). I'm not willing to risk my steam account over 1 cheap game.
Here's what I want to know. Are any of the two websites I've listed grey/black listed by steam for any reason(s)? If not I want to feel ok about the purchase with no worries about enjoying the game. Second, I don't really have the mindset to frown upon where they came in so cheap but I do not want to say buy a copy from Russia and have to translate the game. I'm not against doing the work but the fact that one has to do this to me is a red flag that it wasn't intended for me to be enjoying at this price here in the US.
I know that the website trustpilot gives both of them great reviews but I want to hear from you guys here at Toms.
To summarize, if I :
A) Buy the game will it work without a hitch on steam
B) I don't really care if it's in Russia, Canada, etc. as long as there's no legal reason why steam will remove the game/ban my account etc.
C) I won't be scammed directly by one of these websites somehow with any type of "hack" linked to using a non-legit key.
If anyone can confirm these 3 parameters then for me it's like buying an extra code from a trusted friend for cheaper than what steam is charging and I don't have anything to worry about. If that's what one can help me conclude than I'm going to start buying from places and posting my experience about it. Anyone suspicious who jumps on here I (ie creates a brand new account and says x site is legit) and appears to be questionable I and I hope others will readily call you out.
In advance, thanks to those who can help shed some light with their knowledge and experience with regard to this gaming topic.
Here's what I want to know. Are any of the two websites I've listed grey/black listed by steam for any reason(s)? If not I want to feel ok about the purchase with no worries about enjoying the game. Second, I don't really have the mindset to frown upon where they came in so cheap but I do not want to say buy a copy from Russia and have to translate the game. I'm not against doing the work but the fact that one has to do this to me is a red flag that it wasn't intended for me to be enjoying at this price here in the US.
I know that the website trustpilot gives both of them great reviews but I want to hear from you guys here at Toms.
To summarize, if I :
A) Buy the game will it work without a hitch on steam
B) I don't really care if it's in Russia, Canada, etc. as long as there's no legal reason why steam will remove the game/ban my account etc.
C) I won't be scammed directly by one of these websites somehow with any type of "hack" linked to using a non-legit key.
If anyone can confirm these 3 parameters then for me it's like buying an extra code from a trusted friend for cheaper than what steam is charging and I don't have anything to worry about. If that's what one can help me conclude than I'm going to start buying from places and posting my experience about it. Anyone suspicious who jumps on here I (ie creates a brand new account and says x site is legit) and appears to be questionable I and I hope others will readily call you out.
In advance, thanks to those who can help shed some light with their knowledge and experience with regard to this gaming topic.