gaming pc build 1440p 60 fps max setting stable ?


Jun 23, 2017
Hey so im building a gaming pc and im wondering if a I5-7600K will slow the performance of my msi gtx1080? also with this build, can i play anygame max setting in 2k at 60 fps and higher ?
also i will game on this monitor would you recomande it ?Acer Predator XB241YU bmiprz 23.8-inch WQHD (2560x1440) NVIDIA G-SYNC Monitor
tanks for your help guys ( and sorry for my bad english )

Intel - Core i5-7600K 3.8GHz Quad-Core Processor

Corsair - H80i v2 70.7 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler

Gigabyte - GA-Z270X-Gaming 5 ATX LGA1151

Corsair - Vengeance LED 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory

Crucial - MX300 525GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive

Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard D

MSI - GeForce GTX 1080 8GB GAMING X 8G Video Card

Inwin - 303 Black ATX Mid Tower Case

Power Supply $
Corsair - CXM 750W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply

Microsoft - Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit

There are a handful of games out now which will not stay above 60fps with an i5, but will with an i7. Of course, there are far more which you'll have to drop a graphical setting or two with a 1070 but not a 1080, but at least you'll have the ability to stay over 60 if you want. If your CPU isn't enough, there's simply nothing you can do.

My first choice is "neither", I think the 7600K is a poor value compared with a Ryzen 5 or non-K Intel CPU, but if you can't choose your parts, I'd probably go with the i7 myself.
Your i5 should be able to handle 1440p with no problem. However, You are spending so much on this build, why not just go up to the i7, and take advatnage of the extra threads? I would aso get the 100iv2 to take advantage of the extra fan as well? Other than that, it should be able to handle 1440p wiht no problem.

Again, your i5 is not going to bottle neck your 1080.
well im having this build for 2000$ can( 2300) with taxes and this is my very max budget.. they guy that is building it wanted to put a i7 7700k with a msi gtx 1070 sea hawk but i wont do any video editing or thing like that so i removed the i7 for a i5 and with the saved money took the 1080 insted of the 1070

I wouldn't worry about overclocking if you are just gaming. You will probably not notice a huge difference. When you are ready to overclock, jsut read up on it. It takes a while. You can do a boost clock, but that's not always going to help.
I would rather have an i7 7700 than an i5 7600K, and in many cases it will be cheaper too. You don't need a Z270 motherboard or an aftermarket cooler, and the extra threads will mean the i7 outperforms even a heavily overclocked i5 in most cases.

the thing is i gotta choose between i7-7700k and msi 1070 sea hawck and i5-5700k and msi 1080.. for what i need i think the i5 is more adapted i will only game with few internet pages and apps open
There are a handful of games out now which will not stay above 60fps with an i5, but will with an i7. Of course, there are far more which you'll have to drop a graphical setting or two with a 1070 but not a 1080, but at least you'll have the ability to stay over 60 if you want. If your CPU isn't enough, there's simply nothing you can do.

My first choice is "neither", I think the 7600K is a poor value compared with a Ryzen 5 or non-K Intel CPU, but if you can't choose your parts, I'd probably go with the i7 myself.