Gaming PC Build


Feb 26, 2013
wanna build a new gaming rig

ill be playing at 1600*900 monitor
so need suggestions for 900p at 60fps high settings all latest titles and also future proof

optimal hardware for this ??

do not need very high end

That other guy seems to be placing completely irrelevant comments. I'm not sure what he's doing. Anyways, with 4GB RAM you have to make sure that every single demanding program is closed in the background, when you start a game. For gaming 8GB RAM is recommended. Cheap (brandless) power supplies can result into system failures when adding a graphics card, be careful with it.


What Jimmy said is completely irrelevant to the questions of nsmd is asking! You should take your time to read thoroughly before responding like that. Where is the sense with 4k in Jimmy's post? In what moment is the OP on about 4k? That's right, never. At no hindsight Jimmy is even close to what OP is asking, just to repeat that... :heink:

To sum it up, if you were unable to understand:
NSMD is the one who created this thread, not user ''JimmyEatWord'' and he asks which graphics card runs well at 900p. He is not interested in information about LG monitors or 4k resolution... Whatever that might be hinting on, It's probably in the wrong thread or something.
The way I read it - and have done so again just now - is that the OP is settling for 900p at the moment on his existing monitor. That would draw many folks to the conclusion that now is a good time to menition a TV set can do just as well if not better. That's what jimmyEatWord did and that's why I called you out for fererring to his advice as irrelevant.
Yes, ill upgrade power supply and get a brand new ( cooler master or corsair )
also chip in another stick of 4GB hyperX

and yes just to clear every1s doubt, m not currently looking at 4K gaming...the max i will go is 1080p, that too if at all i connect to my TV, which i normally dont with my desktop

as far as gaming on big screen is concerned i'd rather connect a laptop and game on it.
Mind you, a lot of power supplies below 100 dollars are usually quite bad. Out of 500 power supplies, there are only like 30 really good ones in this range.So choose wisely.

If you can, select a power supply that's tier 1 or 2 from this list:

Basically, stick to Seasonic, XFX, EVGA B2/GQ, Antec-HCG. These are all rebranded Seasonic and Super Flower power supplies.