[SOLVED] Gaming PC build


Sep 14, 2013
Hello everyone !

Im interesting to build a gaming pc and i really want your opininons/suggestions !
Already bought rtx 2070 and im trying to figure out with motherboard , cpu , tower , ram 😀

So far picked those parts : http://
Im only missing a motherboard but i have no idea what to pick (the only thing i know is that i prefer asus 😛 )

Any suggestions would be appreciated !
Not planning to overclock and tbh i dont know how to do that 😀

Thank you very much in advance for your time :)
(Sorry for my English also 😛 hehe )

Yeah i really needed a graphic card , i have gtx 770 now (so you can imagine 😛 ) and yes im from Greece! I didnt set a budget but around 800-1000 euros? i suppose ! im building a pc once every 5-7 years 😀
I dont know what the prices are in Greece, but I dont think you need to spend that much for a new platform and a case.

Right now I would pass on Intel and go with a Ryzen CPU. They are within 10% of performance and much cheaper. You dont need a fancy AIO cooler if you are not gonna overclock. The 2600x comes with a good stock cooler and it will pair nicely with your system.

The case is really up to what you like, but the NZXT H500i is a nice mid tower case.

PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/vwvFHh
Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/vwvFHh/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600X 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor ($199.99 @ Newegg Business)
Motherboard: MSI - B450 TOMAHAWK ATX AM4 Motherboard ($114.57 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($119.99 @ Newegg)
Case: NZXT - H500i (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($99.00 @ B&H)
Total: $533.55
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-01-21 12:14 EST-0500
Alright I would get the following:

Asus is a bit expensive in your country and I would get this asrock board( asus owns asrock so no worries).

- https://www.e-shop.gr/mitriki-asrock-z390-pro4-retail-p-PER.529045
- https://www.e-shop.gr/mitriki-asus-prime-z390-a-retail-p-PER.524610

peformance and quality wise theyre the same... your call

storage: https://www.e-shop.gr/ssd-samsung-mz-76q1t0bw-860-qvo-1tb-25-sata-3-p-PER.306236

psu : https://www.e-shop.gr/psu-super-flower-leadex-ii-80-plus-gold-650w-white-p-PER.817733

case: yours is fine I like this case, same quality peformance, https://www.e-shop.gr/case-fractal-design-define-r6-usb-c-blackout-tg-p-PER.644496

Hey dude , thank you very much for the build you proposed but i dont really like to go to AMD , your right about AIO cooling and not OC tho 😀

Hey m8! everything here in Greece is expensive 🙁 but what to do ! hehe ! i saw the motherboards you suggested ! i add them to the list im seeing 😛

About psu and storages , already have (PSU : Evga Supernova ? something like that and 2 ssd for windows and game setups so i think im ok atm ) later i ll give a shot for a m2 !

Liked also a lot the asus z390 e gaming , expensive but i have to learn how to OC and i dont know if worth it 😛

The 9700k gets 10% better fps than the 2600 but cost more than twice as much and does not come with a CPU cooler. So if you have a budget in mind, you can get a lot more bang for your buck with an AMD CPU. Use the money you save on a better GPU as that will have the biggest impact on gaming performance.


In the past Intel CPUs were your only option for high end gaming. But not any more, AMD's Ryzen CPUs are very good.