Full on RGB Build. ASUS ROG Throughout easy handling and maintenance through single software suite.
Best audio experience for gaming. Get the Sound Card from Amazon.com
You can skip on Keyboard and Mouse if you already have or if you have other preferences. Listed them to give you better option if you have not yet decided on them.
I opted for different Case which is better suited or the build.
without the keyboard, mouse, headphones and other it comes to $5295 is there anything you would upgrade to get it to be around $6000
Unless you have better audio equipment I recommend getting that headphones and mic combo. Besides that nothing much to add. You can throw in second 1TB SSD in for Raid 0 and second 4TB HDD for Raid 1 to get extra speed and insurance respectively. But that't it. For Mainstream PC that is high enough and maxed out build. Nothing much can be added.