Hi everyone
So i've had some help of some of you guys already and i really want to thank you for that.
With your help i made it to this build : http://pcpartpicker.com/user/itzmilo/saved/BmQhP6
If anyone has any last suggestions, ill be glad to hear them. (btw im not planning on overclocking but i have the mobo and the cpu so, I might think about it in the future.)
Thank you again for helping me.

So i've had some help of some of you guys already and i really want to thank you for that.
With your help i made it to this build : http://pcpartpicker.com/user/itzmilo/saved/BmQhP6
If anyone has any last suggestions, ill be glad to hear them. (btw im not planning on overclocking but i have the mobo and the cpu so, I might think about it in the future.)
Thank you again for helping me.