Gaming PC Compatibility Check


Feb 25, 2015
Just created my first PC build on PCPartPicker. Before I order, could somebody please double check the comparability of my parts? Thanks!

EDIT There may be some restriction on the placement of the fans on your cooler with the heat sinks on that RAM and motherboard.

Any particular reason for your PSU choice? For that budget I would go for a PSU that is modular and Gold+ or better. Also, if you don't plan to go SLI in the future you can go a bit lower on the watts. If you do plan to get a 2nd 970 in the future go a bit higher on your watts.

EDIT There may be some restriction on the placement of the fans on your cooler with the heat sinks on that RAM and motherboard.

Any particular reason for your PSU choice? For that budget I would go for a PSU that is modular and Gold+ or better. Also, if you don't plan to go SLI in the future you can go a bit lower on the watts. If you do plan to get a 2nd 970 in the future go a bit higher on your watts.
Not really any reason for PSU choice. I will look at a different one. I may add another card in the future, so I will probably get a PSU with higher Watts.

Edit: Updated with new PSU
PC parts picker tells you if something is not compatible.

While there is nothing wrong with your PSU, adam is right that for that expensive of a build you should go for a little higher end.

Shaking head at wifi adapter on high end gaming desktop.
Get yourself a 500mbps powerline adapter for cheaper and get much better ping/latency time then you ever can with wifi.

I actually already have a powerline adapter. I was going to get a wireless adapter as well, but you're probably right. What's the point?

Not really a waste if you don't game online a lot. Just depends on what you're playing. As a general rule if you can swing a hard line internet connection without inconvenience your better off doing it.