Gaming PC for around 600 - 800 Dollars?


Dec 16, 2013
Thanks for any help you guys can provide. I'm looking for a game that can play BF4 and Planetside 2 at pretty good settings (doesn't have to be max) with high FPS.

Monitor: Need one hoping to go 1080p
OS: Need as well whats better Windows 7 or 8
Wifi: Could you post something for both if I need to connect wirelessly or if I'm hooked into the internet?

Everything else will also be needed and I really have no preferences. Thanks for any help you can offer!
A little over a hundred more but you can either take the cooler out or replace the 760 back to the 660 if it's to much.

The 760 will net you 60 FPS max on most games and will last quite a while...the 660 will max out even less games and hover around 45 to get a balance between performance and visuals...basically the 760's a whole lot better on the GPU end of things.

For the CPU the 8320 with prevent bottlenecking in games...most games aren't to CPU heavy but the cooler will help alleviate bottle-necking(frame drops)...The 8 core will also make navigating winsdows a lot snappier and last longer before becoming obsolete.

Also you can plug a cord(hardwire) into the MoBo directly...for WiFi you need an...

If you have a suggestion like that I'd be happy to see it. So I can see all possibilities.

Edit: Just wondering why do you pick Windows 8 over 7?


8 is better for multi-core CPU's especially FX processors...also 8.1( A free update for windows 8) supports DX 11.2...while it may not make a huge difference in gaming it's still there and usable for those who have it.

Thanks! Also would I need anything extra if i hook up to the internet not through wifi (cabled or whatever its called)? Also if you have a build that might be like a 100$ more I'd be happy to see it as I can save and get it later if thats better. Also wondering if you have used the build you suggested, just to see if you know a range of fps it gets. Sorry for all the questions, but thanks as this is my first time building a computer

Windows 8 is ok but you have more control with windows 7 that is for me you can make windows 8 look like windows 7 with classic shell for the start menu but as Of now I prefer 7 it just works and btw I am using 8.1 on this machine but most of the time I use 7 ...

Thanks! Will i need anything special if i hook up through a cord for wifi?
A little over a hundred more but you can either take the cooler out or replace the 760 back to the 660 if it's to much.

The 760 will net you 60 FPS max on most games and will last quite a while...the 660 will max out even less games and hover around 45 to get a balance between performance and visuals...basically the 760's a whole lot better on the GPU end of things.

For the CPU the 8320 with prevent bottlenecking in games...most games aren't to CPU heavy but the cooler will help alleviate bottle-necking(frame drops)...The 8 core will also make navigating winsdows a lot snappier and last longer before becoming obsolete.

Also you can plug a cord(hardwire) into the MoBo directly...for WiFi you need an adapter or wireless card.

The new one looks pretty nice, thanks! Also would taking out the cooler make a huge difference? Should I be worried about temp if I do?

Thanks for all the help. I think I'm going to use your second suggestion without the cooler for my build so thanks

Just wondering do you think the 660 could get me max fps on planetside 2? Doesn't have to be on max settings

A 800$ machine CAN be built with your specs in mind. My suggestion is go for whatever is cheapest and focus on the graphics card. Do not get anything bellow a ATI 270x.

Off the top of my head I'd say something like this:
50$ case+450W PSU
110& 21' 1080p screen
30$ mouse and keyboard
75$ MSI 970A-G46 Motherboard
130$ AMD FX6350 CPU
220$ a 270X graphics card
70$ 8GB RAM DDR3@1600MHZ
70$ some Seagate Barracuda HDD
20$ some DVD recorder/reader
15$ some 2.1 columns or headset

But this is pushing it, and the computer won't be future proof and I don't think there's much room for upgrades later down the line. Prices will vary depending on your location/deals you might find.

My suggestion is save a few more hundred bucks and buy yourself an i5 on a Z87 motherboard, and get a nice 50$ PSU from corsair. That way you have more room to upgrade down the line.

Anyway, hope it helps.

For PS 2 your going to want the 760 for max settings.