Gaming PC good?


Apr 29, 2013
Hello guys. First of all sorry for the bad english. I will buy a new gaming pc, and i have some doubts. Here is the specs:

Intel core i7 3770k
Asrock z77 Extreme 4
Corsair Vengeance 8GB Ram 1866mhz (2x4)
EVGA GTX 780 superclocked ACX cooler
Corsair CX600
Cooler Master Storm Stryker w/ blue fans
CM Hyper 212 EVO

My doubts are:

1) should i buy 3770k or 4770k??
2) is this psu enough for this specs??
3) ps: i will buy this MB because in the future i will make SLI and i will overclock my cpu. I will buy the H100 when i oc the cpu.
Thanks guys!
You know the GTX780 is only 15% faster than the GTX770 for 1080p gaming? It's enough to turn 30fps into 34fps (which you wouldn't be able to see). GTX770 is a much smarter purchase.
If this is a gaming PC go with an i5 instead of i7 cheaper and same performance for most games. Also if you do plan to go SLI then go with 750 as suggested above I don't think the 600 could safely support two 780's

Ok, i will buy a 750W PSU. I forgot to say that i will render videos sometimes, so i will go with the i7

Well, the asus gpu that u are saying that is cooler and have more performance is the Asus gtx 780 DirectCU2 right?? It is $20 more expensive than the EVGA. The new ACX cooler is pretty awesome, the temps are very good. So, should i pay $20 more to get the asus model or not?


Ok, thanks. I will buy the ASUS DCII. One more thing, why these prices???? 😵.
When i was looking the prices last werk they were arround $660.