Gaming pc in a htpc case???


Sep 14, 2016
Hello my name is wesley

I have a question. I have a game pc wicht has a extreem big case and I would like to build it in al Htpc case.
What do i have in my game pc.
Asus sabertooth fx990 r2, AMD fx8350, corsair h80i, msi gtx 970 gaming 4g, one ssd and one hdd.

My question is what htpc case would Work with my specs?
There aren't a whole lot of options using a full atx motherboard. The case has to have room for it so I'm not sure if these dimensions are what you'd consider 'htpc' or not.

I'm not sure if this one has to use the included psu or not.

Just be sure to read the specs of each case, make sure your existing psu will fit. Make sure whatever cooler you plan to use for the cpu will fit, many have limited options for air coolers (above various heights, usually needing low profile air coolers) or limited...
There aren't a whole lot of options using a full atx motherboard. The case has to have room for it so I'm not sure if these dimensions are what you'd consider 'htpc' or not.

I'm not sure if this one has to use the included psu or not.

Just be sure to read the specs of each case, make sure your existing psu will fit. Make sure whatever cooler you plan to use for the cpu will fit, many have limited options for air coolers (above various heights, usually needing low profile air coolers) or limited mounting choices for aio water coolers if supported at all.

Generally speaking in terms of htpc's your components aren't ideal. An fx 8350 isn't an overly efficient cpu which means fairly high heat output which can be a problem keeping it cool in a cramped htpc case. Something like an i3 or i5 with much lower tdp (heat output) would be more ideal. Also your motherboard is a full atx unless there's another model of that board I'm unaware of. That means your htpc case can only be so small and still be large enough to support that motherboard. Many htpc cases tend to be micro or mini atx for that reason.
In your case, I'd not try to miniaturize this build.
Well, you can use relatively small case like Fractal Design Define S, but I'd wait for the next CPU/MB upgrade with that.
Today, there are very good mini ITX mother boards and cases that support high end CPUs and full size GPUs while taking very little place.
the best (IMHO) example would be Fractal Design Define S nano mini ITX case.


Sep 14, 2016

It's funny you pick the coolermaster haf xb i was thinking of picking that case.
The SILVERSTONE gd09b is a beautyfull case but i dont think my cosair h80i will fit in that case
It has a lot of possible fan places so the rest of my hardware will get enof cooling. I will look at the specs of my pc en from the gd09b and mabey it will fit.

On this moment i using the cooler master storm stryker its to big for my room
The haf xb will be sort of smaller. Overall yes, but the footprint will be different. The storm stryker is 9.8" wide by 22.8" deep while the haf xb is 17.4" by 16.7" so it will take up a bit more desk space. It will be shorter though front to back and shorter in height (about 10-11" shorter), so if you're looking for a shorter case or looking for one that will fit in a place with space to the sides but not much room front to back it will be an improvement.


Sep 14, 2016

Its more the hight and the empty space in the case