Gaming PC Upgrade £250 to £300


Feb 8, 2016
These are the specs of the current PC I own. Im looking to upgrade as this PC is primarilly used for gaming and I currently get 35-40 fps on ARMA 3. I want to be able to play more demanding games on at least 60FPS.
Any suggestions? I was looking at the I5 4690k with a new mobo just to replace the old non OC 920.

CPU - Intel Core I7 920 2.66GHz
GPU - ASUS 750ti 2gb OC
Mobo-Biostar Tpower x58
CPU Cooler-Noctua nf-d14
RAM-Corsair Vengeance 2x4gb ddr3 1600MHz
Storage-Samsung HDD 1TB 7200rpm
PSU-500W coolermaster
Case-LIAN LI (Blue Ring)

Well, if you want to play games at high settings at 1080p 60fps then I would recommend the GTX 970 and the i5-4690k. You can always sell your old CPU and GPU to help pay for the new components if you need to. Here is one of the best and cheapest 970s:

Here is the cheapest that I found the i5-4690k selling for:

The price of the components will vary depending on what country you're in and the availability of it. Like I said before, if you need the extra money for these components then I would suggest selling your GTX 750 Ti and i7-920 and then using that money to help purchase the GTX...
What resolution do you play games at? Also, at what settings would you like to play games at? Once I know what resolution you're going to play games at and at what settings then I can advise you on the type of hardware you need. If you're wanting to play games at 1080p, ultra, and 60 fps you'll some fairly hefty hardware depending on the game. I would recommend the i5-4690k and a GTX 970 as the bare minimum for 1080p high/ultra gaming.
I would like to play games on high settings not necassarily ultra due to the price of hardware to do so but 60fps is something i want. What components would i need to do so within that price bracket?
Well, if you want to play games at high settings at 1080p 60fps then I would recommend the GTX 970 and the i5-4690k. You can always sell your old CPU and GPU to help pay for the new components if you need to. Here is one of the best and cheapest 970s:

Here is the cheapest that I found the i5-4690k selling for:

The price of the components will vary depending on what country you're in and the availability of it. Like I said before, if you need the extra money for these components then I would suggest selling your GTX 750 Ti and i7-920 and then using that money to help purchase the GTX 970 and i5-4690k. Also make sure your PSU will support the new hardware you're getting.