Gaming pc with minimum cost


Feb 26, 2012
Hey guys
Im from india
Want to build a gaming pc with minimum cost
For games like gta 5 nd cod series assassin seris with good fps
I want to build my system around GPU GEFORE 750 TI 2GB DDR5
suggest other component compatible with this gpu
Cost is major factor
Unfortunately you are going to really struggle to build a gaming PC that could run the games you want with that budget. A 750ti is already going to take up around half of it, which doesnt leave enough to buy everything else you need.
This is from the US part picker not Indian prices but I guess it might give you an idea about what you can achieve or not.

This has no OS on it and it costs slightly over 400 USD (27000 inr if prices are comparable), it's pretty much as cheap as I could assemble with an i3 and a 750 ti and doesn't contain parts I would usually consider. You can save a small amount by getting an older i3 but you could possibly be better off by trying to buy parts second hand.
You can save money by getting an AMD based system, the 860k is cheaper and FM2+ motherboards tend to be a bit cheaper than socket 1151. The R7 360/260x is a reasonable card and it also might be slightly cheaper than the 750 if you shop around.

One thing to consider is that if you get a Skylake system you have a clear upgrade path on the CPU. You could buy an i5 or i7 down the line and improve your system. The FM2+ is pretty much a dead end now with Zen set to revamp the whole AMD range.
Then i will go with intell
But which shocket 1151 or 1150

And one more thing
I want to save money of monitor as i have a 48 inch samsung's Led tv
If i use it as computer screen
Is it good idea or bad
And is gtx 750ti enough for such big screen with 1080p
Your TV should be fine and the GTX 750 ti will do well at 1080p on medium/high settings on newer games.
If you are wanting to save some money go with socket 1150 which would cost you £40/50 less for similar performance when taking the motherboard and RAM into account but 1151 is more futureproof.
Go with a 1151, you save very little getting the older stuff now there is very little point buying Haswell for a new build. The 750 ti will run a lot of games fine at 1080p, you may well find you have to dial down a lot of settings though. If you want a true 1080p card at the moment then really you should look at the R9 380 or 960 GTX, although these will both cost a fair bit more than the 750ti.

I dunno about the monitor, it will work fine as a monitor but you might not want to sit too close. Probably be a bit hard to take everything in and probably not look quite as good from that distance on such a large screen... no reason you can't do it if you want to though.
That will be fine with your GPU although I think the i3-4160 is virtually the same price for slightly higher clock speed. If you do have upgrade money down the line a Haswell i5/i7 will still be a decent CPU in a few years time.
go with the hassy go imports a gigabyte mirco atm board from the usa i got a gigabyte h81 dv micro atx series board 3.1usb & alot or grunt on a micro atm board & going to be using 4150 i3 cpu with 8 gig ram & a 600 wat psu going cost around $600 with ur vid card be enuf grunt for gta 5 i3s are great under estimated processor for what it is as gud or better than an i5 & hyperthreading which is handy & stay away from pentuim not worth it for the price
I found a 1year used cpu for 150$
Core i3 4150 8gb 500gb, 450wt
Nd i m planning to buy a 750ti for it
Now i want to know
What r the things i should check in that cpu befor
Like physical and benchmark tests etc.
its prety good i picked up the same i3 processor for my stepsons build using a asus 650 gtx ti & a gigabyte h81 micro atx as a gaming budget build using an antec psu & 8gig brand new crucial ballistic sports 1600 un buffed most games should be playable at lower resolutions i am dropping my settings back onces its going just waiting for my psu hdd & ram & vid card to turn up so i can see what i can throw & it but cost me $600 NZ atm
go around ebay search for a system that has a quad core processor with at least 2,4ghz clock (xeon is fine). Put your gtx 750ti inside it. Be happy for ~200 euro (which is what i guess your budget looks like)

Sounds like a decent system for 150 euro. Benchmarking won't tell you anything you don't already know. Make sure it is functioning before you fork over your cash. Once you got it at your home you can simply reset everything you can find in the bios to default and start overclocking from there. Always do a clean install of windows on a second hand machine. Double check you have the activation code for windows and it functions (Microsoft website can check your code)
One more thing
I wana know
I found a 750ti for 2.5 k less for the market price for 10 days used only( new price 9.5k and 10 days used for 7k )
Now i wana know is it actually a 750ti or some cheap copy of Chinese products
How could i know it
ask the seller to put it in a motherboard and have them send you a video of that process then, in the same video, have them fire up windows and go into geforce control panel and show you the part nr. Not something most sellers will do. So yeah...