Gaming/Streaming PC 1000 € budget + 150 € monitor


Dec 20, 2014
Hello! so iv been lurking around these forums for like the past 3 weeks and i still cannot decide whats best for me, so im gonna ask you guys :)

i plan to use the pc for 1080 gaming/streaming.... Lol/dota2/diablo3, and upcoming MMORPG titles like (Tera,Aion) im already expecting some of you saying that these games don`t have such high requirements but in really dense areas there`s huge fps loss

i`m strongly leaning towards intel and nVidia so heads up :)

my first question would be i5 vs i7 (4690 vs 4790) do i need the K versions? i never overclocked in my life (keep in mind that i will be streaming it aswell)

as for the GPU iv been thinking about gtx 970 (i find it pricey, simply cause i never bought such expensive components before) but now i also know that 960 is around the corner, does that change anything?do i simply just go for the 970?w m

memory, is 8 GB enough do i need more since im streaming?
how much should i invest in the mobo? (how important are they for gaming cause i usually see ppl making cuts here, or well most of my friends did atleast)

so the sum it all up, my Budget is 1000 euro for the PC itself without OS and 150 euro for a 1080 monitor wich i`d use for gaming purposes!

Thanks in advance
Hey dude i know your feelings while struggling against budjet over performance
Well this is what i would do
Well for performance most important factor is gpu
There won't be much difference in cpu unless it's not bottleneck gpu
So as long as you are buying 4th gen processor it won't bottleneck anything
So go with cheaper cpu
Even if you can save 100euro with 3rd gen cpu i would do it
Coz gpu is what matters most
Don't buy things like ssd if your intention is gaming
Because those don't help much in gaming
As long as you don't overclock buy good but not most expensive mobo
But buy good quality psu!
Don't go cheap there
And buy good cooler for cpu and use few fans for cooling
With saving money from unnecessary parts get the best gpu you can achieve
Gtx 980 or two gtx 780s in sli or something best you can achieve
And 8gb is enough for now but i recommend 12Gb/16gb ram for future proof because it won't cost much
And 1600mhz will be enough,
Always compare benefits over price
I think you can build a pretty awesome gaming pc with that can play any game in ultra with 60fps with your budget if you do as i said
I would have to disagree with masteranu, dont go with cheap cpu if you plan to stream, a lot of people that i follow either have 400€ or more expensive cpu. Some people even buy second pc so streaming doesnt hit their performance. And if you play mmorpgs you will for sure need good cpu if you are deticated player.I would go for i7 4790k simply because it has 4 more threads which are helpful when streaming+gaming.

I dont know what pc do you have now but you could reuse some parts like hard drive and maybe case and RAM.1600mhz will be enough.

For GPU i would go with 970 since its cheaper and you could buy better cooling and motherboard.For cooling you have chooise between water and air cooling. Air cooling can be difficult to manage because it all depends on motherboard and ram you have,some air cooling could block ram spots so you will have to investigate which air cooling is best for you.

Well yeah i could be wrong about streaming but I'm 100% sure that processor won't matter him for gaming
He can waste 100€ for 1 fps increasement by upgrading cpu
But he can achieve 10fps increasement with that money with buying good gpu
I'm talking about what people should do
Not what people are doing
Specialy when running low on budget
And i agree people used to buy very expensive cpus but don't get benefits worth money
I'm talking about best gaming experience and still my suggestion is buying best gpu instead of wasting money with cpu and other things as long as they don't bottleneck
He said that he doesn't play games with high requirements and in really dense areas there`s huge fps loss so CPU is better in that case too. If he was to play battlefield 4 and other games that require good gpu and cpu then i5 and 980 would be great but he didnt mention that so i dont see point of buying better gpu,he can always buy second 970 if he wants and he will have good motherboard that supports SLI since he didnt spend that much money on GPU in first place.
And I'm not saying to buy duelcore cpu
He can buy decent 3rd gen i5/i7 which is pretty awesome for everything
People did streaming before forth gen and i doubt still 3rd gen i5 is not capable of that
For me i do care about highest fps i can get
Always consider performance😛rice ratio
That's my opinion if i have that amount of money
I heard even i5 second gen 2500 cpu won't bottleneck gtx 980
So 3rd gen cpu with over 6mb cache should be pretty decent
sorry for the late check on the thread, got abit caught up with things
but yea from looking into it fps loss in mmorpg`s are caused by cpu so while i5 4690k is probably more than sufficient for
playing, maybe i7 4790k will be needed for streaming it well aswell.. i do think the 980 is abit to far of a strech for me and
that the 970 should do it for now (curious about the GTX 960 and GTX 960ti aswell, but as of now no one knows anything about those)

Would there even be any need to overclock such a CPU?

so my question is will i be able to build such a PC having both the i7 4790k and the GTX 970 in my 1000 euro budget (i`ll attempt to make a build shortly and post it here)
heres an attempt

@masteranu yea thanks alot, but prices differ quite alot in the US they are all significantly cheaper and im from the eu! (damn you europe >.<) 1 TB is more then enough for me and lets just try to stick to the 970 hehe :).. i like your 2nd build i`ll see for how much I can build it here, any other suggestions anyone?