Gaming vs Youtube videos smoothness


Oct 9, 2013
Hello everyone.
I've noticed that my gaming experience is'nt the same as I see in youtube videos (60p),
it just looks much more smooth... does anyone else experiencing that?

My specs:
i5 7500 3.5ghz
Nvidia Geforce 1060 6gb
16GB ram

also my monitor is 60hz and not 144hz, if that's making the difference
Do you mean smoother in game, or smoother on YouTube? YouTube will at times have smoothness problems on playback, but it usually detects it and asks you if you want it to try to compensate for it. They refer to it as "Is your video playing shaky", or something like that. Sometimes the compensation just makes it worse.

They will also often show you a link to a page that offers advice on how to make your videos show smoothly. Sometimes it's the game you're capturing or, the capture tool you use, or the bitrate you compress with that affects how well it looks and plays too.

Stuttering can also occur if there are Vsync problems, which are also associated with refresh rate problems, especially if the game doesn't use the refresh your monitor works best with. Many that are rated 60Hz actually work best at 59. Often Windows will set them to that, but sometimes you have to experiment and set it to that yourself. Also, some games use a vsync that caps to 30 FPS instead of 60. In such cases it's often best to make a profile in your GPU panel for that game to force a 60 or adaptive vsync.

Thanks for the answer!
I meant that youtube videos look smoother..
I tried locking FPS to 60 and activated vsync through the nvidia controll panel, but nothing changed

I doubt it too, many mice commonly have up to 1000 polling rate anymore. Have you tried setting your display to 59 Hz in Windows?


Yeah. did'nt work