Gaming with a 720 monitor


Oct 2, 2013
I am setting up for a new system build and when I get to the GPU I was going for the 970 or 390x. My system will have no problem handling it either way I go.
This build is to support Star Citizen.

Then it struck me that I will be playing on a 32" 720 TV with HDMI input.

Are these cards complete overkill?
Yeah I can set my graphics for 1080 but will it make a darn bit of difference on a 720?
I do not plan on changing my monitor for at least 2 more years.
1280 x 720 = 921,600 pixels per second.
1920 x 1080 = 2,073,600 pixels per second.

You should be fairly safe in predicting twice the FPS (up to 60 FPS Max for your TV) on 720p Vs. 1080p... all other variables being equal such as in-game settings like textures ,shadows, post processing effects etc.

When reading reviews of 1080p frames, it would be reasonable to believe you would get twice that FPS up to 60 FPS. If you bought one of those cards, you most certainly want to enable V-Sync in the card's driver.