Gaming with MSI Afterburner (Limited Frame)

Andre Chrisyudha

Jan 13, 2014
Hi guys, today i discovered how to play smoothly in V-Sync with MSI afterburner (Limiting my frame to 60), before using afterburner it seem my pc stuttering when play with v-sync even though it can play up to 120fps without V-Sync

so are Limiting Frame using MSI afterburner safe for your graphic card? because my card is not a MSI branded, it's Sapphire card.

thx for your reply, is limiting frame with MSI Afterburner safe for your graphic card?

What version do you have? Because my beta version doesn't have a v sync option. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with v sync. All it does is cap off your fps. If anything, it makes the load lighter on the card since it can only render a certain number of frames at a time

MSI Afterburner Version 2.3.1 , it's not V-Sync option but framelimiter option in Rivatuner OSD, You can enable it in spanner icon in rivatuner, it said Framelimiter.