gaming with the i3


Jul 13, 2013
Hey everyone, I was wondering if an i3 2120 3.3GHz would be sufficient for gaming.. I was thinking of equipping it with 8gb ram and an AMD 7950 all on an h61 chipset motherboard. Now I heard that the graphics card does most of the work with gaming but will I get similar performance and frames per second if I was to use an i5? Any answers would be much appreciated
The graphics card does do most of the work with gaming, but with higher end gpus that cpu will be an issue. That cpu will bottleneck higher end graphics cards such as the 7950. The i5 will offer more performance as well as being able to handle more graphics cards. Your cpu simply cant supply the graphics card with enough info. Dual cores are being push out of the gaming scene.
The graphics card does do most of the work with gaming, but with higher end gpus that cpu will be an issue. That cpu will bottleneck higher end graphics cards such as the 7950. The i5 will offer more performance as well as being able to handle more graphics cards. Your cpu simply cant supply the graphics card with enough info. Dual cores are being push out of the gaming scene.
Well I got an i3 2120 with a nVidia GeForce GTX 660 and 4gb of ram. It works great, but not as great as it could be if I had an i5 or i7 with more ram. But mainly because of the CPU. For you, you're using a pretty high-end graphics card. So if you're playing on higher resolutions like 1080p+, this CPU will bottleneck your GPU. So you won't get the best performance. So the best idea would be to buy an i5.

I was thinking of having it for a few years playing games like battle field and I would use it for gaming. But based on previous answers ill be getting an i 5