gaming world of warcraft


Nov 5, 2013
while playing wow,in the midde of a raid,,all if a sudden,,freeze and disconnect.
i have 2gb ram,ati radeon 7750, amd athlon 64 x2 4600+, am i doing something wrong? please help

yes computer stayed on, but this didnt happen when i had an older processor, i recently changed the cpu from its 1 core to the amd athlon 64 x2 4600+ which is a dual core. with the old chip, i had much more problems -sort of looking at a movie frame by frame,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and whilst this stopped when i put the newer chip, i got this :in the midde of a raid,,all if a sudden,,freeze and disconnect.
ill check the internet but might you have any other sugestions?

Hmm... have you tried playing again after that? You mention that this occurs in the middle of a raid; is it the same raid every time? If so, then there might be an issue with the game itself. I need more information to make a conclusion.

Hey there,
nope its not the same raid,,caould be any raid,toooooooootally random.

and did you see how "totally" got typed up above,,,i pressed "o" 1 time and this happens.
maybe you could help me with that also?