Gas prices plummit

Political motivations
ABC said we should treat this like a tax break
Where does all this lead?
Think tax break, think lower prices, when they really arent, but all is good.
I hope theres no cliffs nearby, the sheeple will follow
I wonder what happens when the American people themselves artificially inflate oil prices by increasing demand over 100% daily?

Could be a lesson for all of us. Hey, free economic education!

Can't tell if sarcastic or serious.

What I was saying was, if we as a people tied to manipulate gas ourselves, this could demonstrate that is is we that are causing high energy prices.
I would suspect it to be higher. I think people are worn down and are going to find a way to take a trip. I know plenty of people who are doing road trips this year because of the increase in the cost of flights.

heh, did you steal eserver's crawling bug logo?? 😀

I just wonder if Obamanians engineered the decline in gas prices - drop it say 2 cents a month from now until November and he's probably gonna get re-elected, same as counting unemployment down to 8.1% due to lots of people just not applying for jobs anymore because they're discouraged..

Heh, I thought there was something wrong with the title of this thread... 😛

Lately my wife & I have discovered the joys of watching "Chiller Drive-in" on the RTV channel Saturday nights - lots of cheesy "B" sci-fi movies with extraneous fart noises, commentary & visual jokes thrown in, sorta like Mystery Science Theater 3K, only minus any pretensions to "science", and hosted by Wolfman Jack and "Boney" the skeleton. So this past weekend they aired "Monster From the Bottom of the Sea" which had one scene with a '50s Buick convertible full of blondes pulling into a full-service gas station, making verbal passes at the guy filling the tank, who promptly spills 4-5 gallons after over-filling the tank. When it was time to pay up, the bill was $4. So probably 25 gallons of gas at $4 amounts to 16 cents per gallon, back in 1961..

Steal from who? :) this bug was my avatar many many years ago.. except it doesn't seem to be working for some reason today.

If so, then that is some pretty damned good engineering, if I may say...
So, why not use it for the 'real' benefit...fix this country's wounds.

Well Obama did try to come down on the oil speculators, which IMHO is a good thing albeit. However IIRC he also dumped some oil from the strategic reserve last summer, in a failed attempt to bring gas prices down. The strategic reserve is supposed to be used for war or other emergencies where the mideast oil supply gets cut off or reduced, not for political reasons such as attempting to get re-elected. However, given the amount of jet fuel the first family has been using for the last few years, what with vacations for Michelle & the kids, plus Barry jetting around making speeches, I guess we needed to open up the supply lines a bit anyway 😛..

Personally I am not particularly thrilled about Romulan-y either, so I suspect I will sit out voting this year..