Gearbox Wants To Honor Old DNF Pre-Orders

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The receipt is made of a thermal paper, the ink disappears between 6-12 months. I just bought a TV 4 months ago and i already cant read what it says. Plus who keeps a receipt that long any way. Most men replace their wallets every 5 years, and that involves them cleaning it out.
[citation][nom]ChaosGS[/nom]The receipt is made of a thermal paper, the ink disappears between 6-12 months. I just bought a TV 4 months ago and i already cant read what it says. Plus who keeps a receipt that long any way. Most men replace their wallets every 5 years, and that involves them cleaning it out.[/citation]

i have a fireproof safe i keep all that in, my wallet holds my immediate needs, receipts for i bought within a month in case it needs to be taken back, but than it goes into receipt hell after than (the safe) probably never to be seen again.

recently i have been scanning all of them just in case.
[citation][nom]alidan[/nom]i have a fireproof safe i keep all that in, my wallet holds my immediate needs, receipts for i bought within a month in case it needs to be taken back, but than it goes into receipt hell after than (the safe) probably never to be seen again.recently i have been scanning all of them just in case.[/citation]

paranoid much??? lol...
[citation][nom]ChaosGS[/nom]The receipt is made of a thermal paper, the ink disappears between 6-12 months.[/citation]

I hate that. It's such a huge scam, yet people don't seem to care. Copier FTW.
Even though many pre-orders will not end up being honored, it's cool Gearbox is trying to do the right thing here. It would be really easy for them to just ignore it and blame 3D Realms/retailers.
They're not trying to do the right thing, they're going one step beyond that. They have no real obligation to these people, other than wanting them to be happy, and that's pretty special.
6-12 months for a receipt to go blank? Man, I have in my hands my original pre-order receipt for a Game Boy Advance. It's rough, but I can still read it, and it's from roughly the same time.
@Ramar 10/10/2010 9:44 AM

"6-12 months for a receipt to go blank? Man, I have in my hands my original pre-order receipt for a Game Boy Advance."

Although the parent was exaggerating, don't contribute when you do not even know what a thermal printer and conversely thermal paper is.

I belive Gearbox is going in the right direction with this but requiring a reciept is a little much for the amount of time that has passed. On the other hand whomever pre-ordered and did not demand a refund after such a long period of time isnt really intelligent either.

Since thermal paper was brought up in here I thought i'd throw this info your way. Not all recieps are like this but a good majority are unfortunatly.

"Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a chemical linked to such conditions as asthma, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. It is an estrogen-mimicking industrial compound found in large concentrations in up to 60 percent of thermal paper, the medium of choice for sales receipts. This receipt paper is coated with BPA, which reacts to the applied heat of a thermal printer by creating an image. Telling the difference between thermal paper with BPA and without is virtually impossible.

The toxicity of BPA has been suspect since the 1930s, but the ill effects of this synthetic hormone and its presence in polycarbonate plastics, such as water bottles and Tupperware, didn’t make headlines. “If people knew, they would demand safer products.” " - Deborah Bloom / Eugeneweekly

never preordered it, but on the subject of reciets and keeping them. thermal paper and reciets fade, i tend to buy stuff with good warrenties and thats a good way for companies to not honor your warrenty. i just scan a copy of the reciet into my computer and pritn a hard copy, you may say parinoid but its probably saved me hundreds of dollars in not having to replace things myself when they go bad. heck I've even gotten a three stage compact florescent lightbulb replaced when one stage burnt out because it had a 2 years warrenty and i had the reciet showing i'd bought it about a year and 6 months ago >_< it may have only been a 6 dollar bulb but hey 6 bucks is 6 bucks
Wait! What's going on here!? A game company caring about its customers?! Who do they think they are?!

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."
I would love to see the demo be released publicly from Gearbox, rather then having it be spread through torrents that defeat the purpose anyway.
Besides, everyone looked towards Duke Nukem for so long that it's a terror to know a beta is out and alot of people who have been waiting can't play it.
Also, Gearbox does seem to care, they've done so for a long time though. I like Gearbox personally, since they originally had been porting Sierra/Valve games to consoles and made Opposing Force.
When you know the pre-order isn't going to arrive you take your receipt back back to the retailer for a refund and in some cases retailers store the pre-order so you may not need a receipt.
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