Gecube x1950 o/c issue


Mar 8, 2005
Hey all, I didn't get a response from the folks at Guru3d about this one so I wonder if any of you guys know the answer.

I have a Dell 8300 (yeah it's old)
I just recently upgraded from an ATI X800XT PE to a Gecube X1950xt AGP card. My CPU is a 3.2 Pentium 4 (Northwood, 800mhz FSB) and HT is enabled. I have 2 western digital hard drives, 2 gigs DDR SDRAM (PC3200), an OCZ GameXstream 700w psu, and a soundblaster live 5.1 soundcard on Windows XP SP2.

I see a good performance increase in some games, but my 3d mark scores seem lower than they should.

My 3dmark 05 is 7300 and 06 is 4400

I tried overclocking using the CCC and to my suprise my scores didn't increase, but they dropped!
3dmark 05 to 6900-7150
3dmark 06 to 4150

I can't figure it out. ATT doesn't work either. ATT is no change as far as I can tell...

Any clue?

Thanks Lingo


Sep 19, 2006
tried rivatuner? that seems to work for me, though i dont keep my card o/c.

you might wanna try various versions of the drivers to see if they do anything.

also, this may sound stupid, but some people have had issues with gfx cards and sound cards on the same system. try taking the sound card out and run the card, see if that does anything.