Geeforce GT 730 VS GTX 560 TI

I just want to point out that it depends on which model of GT 730 you get. the DDR3 128-bit card on has 95 cuda cores but the ddr3 64-bit as well as the 1gb ddr5 both have 384 cores. The GT 730 64bit and ddr5 cards are almost identicle in build to the 560 ti but the 560 has a slighly higher fill rate and and faster memory bandwidth. when you compare Dollars to performance if your on a budget the DDR5 GT 730 is just fine.

So why would they make a 95 cuda core version then? That makes no sense to me.

Lower end product at a lower pricepoint for people who arnt rendering?

The only reason I can think of is power savings and ulta small heat output. I've found several 384 cuda core variants that were actually cheaper than several 95 cuda core models.