Geforce 2 mx 200 32mb and win2k


Jul 11, 2002
I have just finished installing Windows 2000 Professional on my PC and I have a generic Plug and Pay monitor hooked up. Windows would not accept the drivers for the GeForce 2MX 200 (32mb) video card that came on the cd. Windows 2000 does not supply any. So I was forced to go into safe mode and I installed the detenator drivers. It worked but when i set my monitor up to automatically shut off it does not go to sleep it just turns the screen black and stays on full power. I have tries about 7 different monitors so i have concluded it is not that. I had the same problem wit my xp machine but i installed a 2000 driver and it fixed everything. But it is not working for win 2k I even tried NT 4 drivers. ANY HELP? Thankyou
Oh, Well so much for that I have found the problem. For some reason the manufacture (Power Color) must of really screwed up a problem with the power management features on the card. So i installed a older version of the drivers (even older than on the nvida and power color site.) It came also with a bunch of detonator stuff. Bang it worked. I can now shut the monitor off and support opengl. Performance has not seemed to change.