GeForce 560 Ti problem


Feb 20, 2015
Hi guys!
Couple days ago after installing new driver from nvidia i suddenly got "driver stopped working" error and then i got 116 BSOD. After 3 hours of trying to uninstall and install older version of driver i was forced to recover the system from like a year ago, all was fine until i started a game. I started getting bsods all over again and after stressing gpu with furmark i got these little flickering things all over my screen (artifacts?), but the gpu had only 67 C and the bsod keeps happening. I've tried cleaning the radiators with compressed air, but it didnt work. Now i can only operate on safe mode.
Should i try baking my card or is there anything else i can try? Pls help I CAN'T PLAY 🙁

So how do i do it? if i uninstall diver for my gpu will it work, coz otherwise i dont know how to connect the monitor. My mobo is asus p67 pro3
almost all motherboards have integrated graphics, just plug your cable into the ports on the back of the pc... there should be vga/hdmi and or dvi ports on the back of your pc... plug into those and you will be connected to integrated graphics so you can run a test to see what is the problem... to find the problem you need to narrow down the possible causes...