Geforce experience help


Nov 27, 2017
Hello, play the Witcher 3 on a 1070 at 1440p. When GeForce experience optimizes my stuff it puts pretty good settings except a low on foliage visibility range which kills the experience when the grass only loads in directly in front of you. When you use constome setting it gives you a scale between performance vs quality. To get this to high or even medium it needs to be pretty close to the quality side. I’m worried this will hurt temps. When it says performance does it refer to the hardware or actual in game results. Because my temps are alright but anymore stress won’t help.
Maybe just try configuring the settings yourself instead of letting geforce experience do it? The big FPS killers in TW3 are foliage distance (I use high), nvidia hair works, shadow quality, and HBAO+. I linked a performance guide for TW3 below. Any halfway decent 1070 should be able to keep temps under control with any amount of load and assuming you aren't using vsync and have a decent CPU GPU usage will be near 100% while playing regardless of your settings.
Maybe just try configuring the settings yourself instead of letting geforce experience do it? The big FPS killers in TW3 are foliage distance (I use high), nvidia hair works, shadow quality, and HBAO+. I linked a performance guide for TW3 below. Any halfway decent 1070 should be able to keep temps under control with any amount of load and assuming you aren't using vsync and have a decent CPU GPU usage will be near 100% while playing regardless of your settings.
I have the same 1070 + 1440p.
When you chose performance it means you are not worried about image quality, you want more frames per second.

Don't worry about the temps, the graphics cards fans will do that for you automatically.
If it gets too hot, thermal throttling will kick in, slowing things down until it cools off. 90C is max, anything below 70C is good.

I use MSI Afterburner + RiveTuner.
Afterburner allows you to adjust the fan faster to be cooler. I have mine set to be slower, hotter, but quieter.
It also sets up RivaTuner to display FPS, temperatures, etc. in game. Press F4 to activate monitoring.

Agreed. My 1070 runs The Witcher just fine and Geforce Experience sucks.

The only time I use GFE is when I want to record gameplay, then I immediately uninstall it.
The deal breaker is I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts for Photoshop graphics.
GFE intercepts the shortcuts and does stuff I don't want, interrupting my work.