GeForce Experience not working

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Jun 28, 2014
I recently purchased a 750 ti ftw and downloaded experience. I have two problems. One, some times the application wont open and/or tells me i can't connect to nvidia. I also can't use the FPS counter, there is no option to enable it. Pleas help. Thanks.
Start shadowplay --> preferences --> shadowplay --> fps counter
(you have to enable shadowplay first)

apparently it only works on certain games

I have and all of the latest drivers.

I didnt mean to add that as best answer, There is no option to enable it in the first place. It is supposed to be next to status indicator, but its not.
I know how to solve your problem with it not connecting to the Nvidia.
Sadly as far as the fps counter goes, I also have 2.1 and no fps option what-so-ever

1.) Windows 7, open the Start Menu>Type "run" in search bar> Then type "services.msc" in the run box.

2.) Its Alphabetical so scroll down until you find "Nvidia Netwrok Service" to the right of that under the status column if it's the problem i think it is (The problem I had) it should say "starting" in the status instead of "started"

3.) NOTE: [You may have to show hidden files for this step] If it says "starting", minimize the app and goto
Local Disk (C: )/program data/NvidiaCorporation/NetService/ and delete the file that says,"NSManagedTask"

4.) Once the files deleted, hold ctrl,alt,delete. and open task manager, Goto the processes tab and may sure to click,"Show Processes from all user's" then scroll down to "NVNetworkService.exe*32" and end the process.

5.) Now that you have ended the process, go back to services.msc (Which you should have minimized at the beginning) and right click "Nvidia Network Service" and choose start, it should now start correctly and be possible to connect to Nvidia and update drivers and such.
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