GeForce GT 545 fan question


Jan 28, 2014
Hey all,

I noticed recently that my graphics card was overheating and crashing anytime I started my computer up. Upon further investigation I noticed that the fan wasn't spinning ever. I have the card out currently so I don't keep overheating the processor, but it seems to me that either the fan, or the fan controller on the card has crapped out. Does anyone know a).if I can purchase JUST a replacement fan somewhere or b). if there's a fix for the card if its the fan controller.
This is the computer I have:,2817,2403344,00.asp

thanks in advance!
edit: grammar is hard

Unfortunately it's not under warranty any more. The fan seems to be in the plug all the way, and the metal connections down to the board are solid.

Yeah I kinda saw that coming :/
Can you recommend me any cards that would give me about the same quality? My ideal budget would be around $100, but I can be kinda flexible.

Hey man, sorry school caught up to me hard and I had to put this on the backburner. Just wanted to say that I did end up buying a new card, and thank you for your help. I've got some questions about the new one but I'll start a new thread for that. Thanks a bunch man