GeForce GTX 1050ti complete shutoff please help!

May 23, 2018
PC Specs

Newely Installed GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050ti replacing EVGA GeForce 550ti

CPU: AMD Phenom 965 II x4 Processor

PSU: ( brand new ) Sentey Xplus 725w

1.0TB 7200rpm Hardrive western digital

ASRock 970 Extreme3 motherboard

12.0gb of ram

Disclaimer: when i say shut off i mean a full instant shut off as if you pulled the power cable and it doesnt not reboot itself

So i just replaced my old 550ti with a 1050ti and at first, while installing the drivers via CD-ROM from the box the computer would shut off. Okay odd so i decided to install the drivers from the Geforce website instead as theyre probably more up to date. All seems fine until the moment I launch Fortnite the computer shuts off again. Wtf? So heres a list of things i did to attempt to fix this issue and none of them worked.

- Unseat and reseat card
- uninstall and reinstall drivers
- ran a repair on harddrive because an error message popped up during one of the restarts looking to repair a corrupted sector so i let it do its thing. Nope.
- system restore back to 2 days ago and then re install drivers again
- disable windows live display adapter.
- attempted to flash the gpu bios

After all of that im at the point of being able to load up the game but as soon as i start my streaming service ( i livestream on twitch via OBS ) it shuts off.

It doesnt look like anything is overheating. The computer works fine when no processes like games are running. It fails the gpu benchmark test about halfway through and by fail i mean shuts off.

I spent almost 11 hours troubleshooting and i cant figure it out. Sorry if i look silly with some of these explanations im not super knowledgable with this specific type of computer stuff.

Pls help
Seems like a power supply issue, even though the model you have is not horrible. It's not one people recommend, but not total junk at least. Did you try checking for a newer motherboard BIOS and make sure everything is plugged in well?

First thing I'd try is a different power supply. Maybe test the card in another system with a good quality PSU, that will tell you if issue is the card or not.
Seems like a power supply issue, even though the model you have is not horrible. It's not one people recommend, but not total junk at least. Did you try checking for a newer motherboard BIOS and make sure everything is plugged in well?

First thing I'd try is a different power supply. Maybe test the card in another system with a good quality PSU, that will tell you if issue is the card or not.