Geforce GTX 1070 8GB - How many watts?

GTX 1070 8GB G1 Gaming Video Card : Between 37W - 150W :),4585-7.html
Nice Graphs here ^

And if you pay a electricity bill

Cost Per Hour:

Cost Per Day:

Cost Per Month:

Cost Per Year:

kWh Per Day:
is what the 1070 alone costs to run. That however is at full load for 8 hours a day ymmv.

Make sure you don't purchase a PSU with just enough power. You don't want your PSU at 90% and higher load all the time you're gaming. A quality 500W PSU will handle the 1070 with the rest of what it takes to build a gaming PC.
fishergeeplaysmc Why do you ask? Are you building an entirely new system, or potentially adding it to an existing rig? If existing, would you mind stating your power supply's manufacturer and model number? Matter-of-fact, your rig's full specs would be helpful, if you wouldn't mind stating them.
I undervoltaged mine. 30-50 watts and about a 70watt peak with furmark at 1950mhz. Everyone that I know undervoltages their's. Not only runs cooler, but the TDP is the main limiter of higher frequencies, allowing for a more stable overclock. My brother runs his 1060 at 0.85v and 2ghz. He gets a stable 60fps in all of his games and I think is around 20-30watts.