I built a new pc recently, which includes a gerforce GTX 770, manufactured by EVGA.
A few days after building it, I've noticed that all moving objects, and only moving objects, be they in game, in video, or the mouse cursor, have a white afterimage when moving. This occurs with all games I've tried, full screen or windowed, youtube videos, gifs, and the cursor. I'm not noticing it on videos on youtube that were shot live, it only seems to occured on footage captured from video games. At the same time, I don't notice it on the anime hosting site Crunchyroll.
After contacting NVIDIA support, I've tried using a different monitor, different monitor cables, different kinds of monitor cables, different drivers, a clean install of the drivers and related NVIDIA software (twice), and the problem still persists.
I don't currently have the option to test the GPU in another computer, and I have not yet attempted running it on another PCIE slot on my motherboard (because it doesn't exactly look like it would fit in the space there).
I've used Dxdiag to test my directx installation, and that seems to be in order.
My chipset drivers and BIOS are all up to date (the bios is the second most recent version, the newest is only about 15 days old and that just seems to be asking for trouble), and I am well and truly stumped.
Have any of you encountered a similar issue to this, or have any ideas what might be causing it, so I can begin to troubleshoot there? I am running windows 7 home premium 64 bit, and using an ASUS A99FX pro R2 Motherboard. All other components would appear to be running in perfect order.
A few days after building it, I've noticed that all moving objects, and only moving objects, be they in game, in video, or the mouse cursor, have a white afterimage when moving. This occurs with all games I've tried, full screen or windowed, youtube videos, gifs, and the cursor. I'm not noticing it on videos on youtube that were shot live, it only seems to occured on footage captured from video games. At the same time, I don't notice it on the anime hosting site Crunchyroll.
After contacting NVIDIA support, I've tried using a different monitor, different monitor cables, different kinds of monitor cables, different drivers, a clean install of the drivers and related NVIDIA software (twice), and the problem still persists.
I don't currently have the option to test the GPU in another computer, and I have not yet attempted running it on another PCIE slot on my motherboard (because it doesn't exactly look like it would fit in the space there).
I've used Dxdiag to test my directx installation, and that seems to be in order.
My chipset drivers and BIOS are all up to date (the bios is the second most recent version, the newest is only about 15 days old and that just seems to be asking for trouble), and I am well and truly stumped.
Have any of you encountered a similar issue to this, or have any ideas what might be causing it, so I can begin to troubleshoot there? I am running windows 7 home premium 64 bit, and using an ASUS A99FX pro R2 Motherboard. All other components would appear to be running in perfect order.